
2020年2月7日—GettheMinesweeperDownloadFromtheMicrosoftStore·OpentheMicrosoftStore.·SearchforMinesweeperusingthesearchbox.·Many ...,2013年6月26日—MicrosoftMinesweeperforWindows10isagamethatallowsyoutoexperienceoneofthetrueclassicsofdesktopgaming;Minesweeper!Thisisa ...,Noinstallationisrequiredsimplydownload(65KB)andstartplayingonWindowsorWINEonLinux.Decimaltimeraccuratetohundredthsofasecond.Bes...

How to Play Minesweeper on Windows 10

2020年2月7日 — Get the Minesweeper Download From the Microsoft Store · Open the Microsoft Store. · Search for Minesweeper using the search box. · Many ...

Microsoft Minesweeper for Windows 10 (Windows)

2013年6月26日 — Microsoft Minesweeper for Windows 10 is a game that allows you to experience one of the true classics of desktop gaming; Minesweeper! This is a ...

Minesweeper X

No installation is required simply download (65 KB) and start playing on Windows or WINE on Linux. Decimal timer accurate to hundredths of a second. Best times ...

recommended minesweeper for win 10?

2020年1月23日 — I recommend minesweeper online. It has good community and also has more like quests to complete.

取得Microsoft Minesweeper

在Microsoft Minesweeper 中保持敏銳的思維!原創經典益智遊戲再次回歸,加入多種遊戲模式、更多的每日挑戰、成就、新主題和全新的自動雙點擊功能。

取得Minesweeper 10 - Microsoft Store zh

2020年1月2日 — Original and best Minesweeper game from Windows. 免費+ ...

取得Minesweeper? - Microsoft Store zh

2015年3月18日 — Minesweeper? is a Windows Metro version of the popular Minesweeper game. You can choose between Easy, Medium and Hard game.


《微軟踩地雷》(英語:Microsoft Minesweeper),過去簡稱《踩地雷》(英語:Minesweeper)或者《花園》(英語:Flower Garden;義大利語:Prato Fiorito);是一款由 ...